Saturday, December 12, 2009

Only Christ

Let us hold fast the confession of our faith, without wavering, for He who promised is faithful... let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.

I wanted to entitle this blog, "From Crowds to Cows"... but on this Saturday morning, with the hope of a new day, a different season and unlimited possibilities Christ can bring about in every single life... only one title would work.

Since my most recent wrestling match with the Lord, many things have come about in my heart and mind... which resulted in a trip home to the big D to meet up with a completely rad guy - Nick Vujicic.

The Thursday night before (December 3), while processing much of what our God had done, I began to remember the 'good times.' I thought of JAF and the TV gig, I thought of Scottish Rite and my work there, I thought of Family Retreat and how I missed it so... and began to feel alone again. Surprise, surprise.

But this time it was different... I was different. Not wanting to allow the sorrow overwhelm to the point of utter despair, I decided to spend time with someone who understood.... someone who could feel the pangs of my heart without a word being spoken.... then I thought of Nick.

So for the next 3 hours I proceeded to stalk him on YouTube.... ok, maybe not stalk, but I sure did watch a lot of his messages. The jokes about children's reactions had me laughing so deep and so hard I could hardly stand it.... the truths about how lonely it really is being stuck in this broken body penetrated to my heart and mind so powerfully it brought comfort to my soul and tears to my eyes.... I finally felt in 'good company.' I then see on his site, he was scheduled to appear in DALLAS December 6.

Long story short (with many thanks to Dan'l and Sheryl Lynn:)) - I got to see Nick last weekend and hear him live for the first time.

I arrived backstage. Nick shot me a look and immediately had someone carry him over to a nearby chair. As soon as he landed, I insisted he see the others waiting, and thanked him for caring to even say hello.... but Nick wasn't having it. HE insisted I sit down and relax.... me.... like he didn't need the same advice, after having addressed thousands... :)

Sitting there, I was at a loss for words. Which was totally weird, because let's face it, that rarely happens when I'm conversing... but I couldn't find what to say. So he encouraged, I soaked it up like a sponge, and tried to communicate over and over how I appreciate his honesty and devotion to Jesus. He then prays the longest prayer ever in the history of mankind, with his sweet face against my neck. It ended, I begin to pull away, he digs his chin back into my shoulder (to pull me back) and says.... "And God, please bring Holly a husband QUICK!"

Backing up with my eyes as big as saucers, I said... "See Nick!!! You do get it." He and I hadn't even GONE there in our discussion, and for this man to understand one of the deepest and most heart-aching results of this disability.... well it made me feel loved and not alone.

And not just loved by this international minister, but loved by the Living God. The God who has called Nick out of darkness and into marvelous light. The God Who KNEW Nick's journey, Nick's cross, would comfort me in a time of confusion and desperation.

Rarely do I get to be the comfortee - I'm usually called to be the comforter (not to the degree Nick feels), but it was extremely nice and refreshing, for the Lord to think it appropriate for this great man to, for just a moment in time, speak life and encouragement back into my heart.

So yes, I proclaim only Christ. I SHOUT ONLY CHRIST. For ONLY Christ could create such a moment. Only Christ could intertwine two roads in such a way. Only Christ can call these two young adults out of the darkness and have us LEAP into marvelous light.

Only Christ.

Nick, if you're reading this, I TOTALLY had fudge for you. ;) And good luck with the driving, I know you'll do fantastic.


Unknown said...

Very, very nice and heartfelt. I'm happy for your experience Holly and can only imagine it's just the beginning.

Joe in Camarillo said...

Yeahhhh!!! I did love it.

owenfamof4 said...

Sounds like you and Nick need to hook up, if he's not already hooked up;) Loved your post Holly! You inspire me with your happy that he inspired you again!

Jessica said...

Hey Holly.

i met Nick once. he is AWESOME!! thats so amazing that you got to talk with him.

Mary Ellen said...

Thank you for including Nick in your blog, Holly. He's such an encouragement to me. So are you. I saw you on TBN on Joni and Friends a few minutes ago. Thank you for letting God use your disability. It's almost as if our disabilities (I have spina bifida, too) are a gift. We don't always WANT that gift, but given to God, it can be an awesome one :) Have a blessed New Year!

Ponder-a-ling said...

i wish i were you.

Unknown said...

Hi Holly --

I love Nick too! I can't blame you at all. I wanted to invite you to attend a conference in Atlanta, Ga this summer. It is for the Speak Foundation.

Would love for you to speak there!

Ionela Băloi said...

Hi, Holly! I hope you read my message! I am a Christian girl from Romania. I am 27 years old and its been 12 years since I received Jesus Christ in my heart and been baptised.
I was searching for you 30 minutes ago, after I have seen at the local Christian channel a program of Joni and Friends, where I saw you.
Listening to you, my heart was touched and I could not stop crying. Seeing your faith and the way you encourage the others made me see how much I have to learn regarding my Christian life.
I also translate christian news for We are a team formed from young Christians, boys and girls, who work for free, but with joy, for the others.
Your articles can be such a blessing for other romanians.
I would like to ask you if you agree for me to translate in romanian language some of your articles and put in on the christian news site
If it is ok, please let me know and to established the wat we can do this work.
With love and appreciation in Christ,
Ionela Băloi