Holly's Heart
a girl-writer of life, love & other nonsense
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sincerely Holly - NOW on BLOGGER (too)
My main website is still: http://sincerelyholly.com - however, I know many of my friends are on Blogger & just as I want to follow their stories, I'd love for them (& YOU) to follow me too... So here we go.
Sincerely, Holly has now been added to BLOGGER. Click on the link below & you will be directed there... pinky-promise it will be a good time.
XO, Holly
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sincerely, Holly
Please follow me there. I've been reading past posts & cannot believe how incredible this journey has been. How honest I was in each season, how the tears stream down my face even today, three years later.
I only hope to continue to be the girl I've always been.
All my love,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Only Christ
Nick, if you're reading this, I TOTALLY had fudge for you. ;) And good luck with the driving, I know you'll do fantastic.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Aches, Tears & Questions

This post is dedicated in loving memory of Nameless. May her spikey hair and huge smile be the sweetest addition to heaven.It is dedicated to the love and respect of Reverend Matt Chandler. May the tumor disappear as though it never existed and Christ be praised.It is dedicated to every lonely heart. To everyone who feels they have no one to catch them when they collapse.It is dedicated to my dearest friend (and neighbor ;)) Amie, who speaks nothing but the truth, power and love of Christ. May her skills and wisdom be used to glorify Him forever.And finally, it is dedicated to my Lord, Jesus Christ. The One Who loves the lunatics ;), the One who stays silent and loud in the same moment, the One who catches me when I fall... the Love of my life, the Lord of all my questions.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Where the Wind Blows..

I stood there watching the leaves dance to the rhythm of the wind, then decided to open up all the windows and invite the nice breeze in. The coolness of it awakened my senses and I was happy to have that moment. As balls fluttered in opposite-desired directions, leaves danced and senses awakened I thought about that scripture: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit..." John 3:8.
Meditating on what it means to be born of the Spirit, I began to wonder how in the heck I ended up in this place, on this morning, doing this very thing.
"Wondrous Lord,
Thank You for caring more for my soul, rather than my physical comfort. Thank You for caring more about my wisdom than my nightlife. Thank You for caring more about my discernment, than my ability to line up dates far and wide. And finally, Thank You for Who You are. Thank You for loving a wretch like me.
Always Yours,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Bridge
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
... He cheers each winding path I tread...
A few weeks ago I received a random phone call from an east Texas aunt, informing me of a social work position open in Texarkana. Because the pay was good, and benefits even better, she urged me to just apply… stating, “you never know what God wants Holls.” “Fine,” I rebuttled, “I’ll apply.”
Two hours later an interview is scheduled. Four day later an offer is made. Five days later I’m on a plane to Orlando, Florida. And six days later I know this is what God is giving.
When I wrote the note that God does things “beyond all we can ask or imagine,” I meant it and am a living testament to it today. I NEVER imagined this is what He would ask of me… but in His grace, I’ve seen His movement, and as a child I obey and move forward.
So my friends… I’m moving to Texarkana. I joke that it is “the place we don’t speak of” or “exile,” but deep in my heart I know this is what Christ is calling me to. I have NO IDEA why, but I go. The position is wonderful, my employers are Jesus lovers and I am spreading my wings. The Lord knew He wanted me to move forward in adulthood and professionalism, not backward into an internship or unrelated position.
I kicked and screamed for months because I truly wanted to go to DC and/or south California, but for whatever reason, He doesn’t want me there. He wants me in the pasture with the cows. So I go in great expectation that my faith will be tried, my mind will be stretched and my love will be used.
I’m most excited for this opportunity because I’m going alone. No one is going with me; no one is following me. I’m taking this step of faith into the wonderful promise that our God protects, provides and sanctifies wherever life may land us. I get to put His word to the test, and expect fully that every single need will be filled and those that aren’t will result in the opportunity to know the everlasting love of an incomprehensible Creator.
So, I say goodbye singing: “all the way my Savior leads me.”